You might never give a second thought to trash collection services other than to place your trash on the end of your driveway on the appropriate day. My name is Lisa, and I want to tell you why you should think about your local sanitation and what happens to your trash after the garbage workers have taken it away. Did you know that trash that is not appropriately collected can cause health problems in your community? It can also damage the environment and the quality of your water and air. Educate yourself about what happens to the trash in your community so you can effectively fight for the health of your family and your planet.
20 March 2017
Industrial sanitation is not sanitation of industrial strength, although the phrase is commonly defined or understood as such. Instead, industrial sanitation is a type of sanitation related to its location within industrial and manufacturing plants. It encompasses a unique set of sanitation approaches and purposes; and, you can talk with a professional, like Powell's Trash Service, to see which kinds of approaches are available. Here is why you would want or need industrial sanitation where you work.
1 March 2017
When getting rid of trash generated from home renovations or even from a spring cleaning, your household could benefit greatly from renting roll off dumpsters. The rental company will not only deliver and pick up the dumpsters, but will also dispose of your waste. In general, it costs an average of $421 to rent a dumpster, and a roll off one might be a bit pricier for its extra feature. Although the wheels of the roll off dumpsters make them much more convenient and practical to use, the wheels are also a vulnerability and can be easily damaged.
26 December 2015
With the winter months rolling around and the holiday season just around the corner, it's almost inevitable that you will have visitors to your home. Having said that, there are plenty of problems associated with having too many guests in your home. One of the biggest issues surrounding having too many guests in your home is that your toilet and kitchen fixtures might become a bit overused! Holiday overcrowding and guests visits can do a number on your septic tank.
17 September 2015
Vacant lots that are overflowing with trash and debris not only cause home values to plummet, they pose a safety hazard to local children and pets as well. It's apparent that eyesore areas like these need to be cleaned up, but paying cleaning companies to come in and take over is costly. What's a town to do? Organize a community cleanup -- that's what! When you involve the community in your project, the expenses involved are minimal -- renting a commercial-sized dumpster, printing and distributing flyers, and finding a way to reward participants afterward are basically all you'll need.
25 June 2015
Renting a roll-off dumpster can be a great way to get rid of the unwanted trash around your home. You have the option of renting an 8,10,15, 20, 30, or 40 yard container for your needs. The number of yards refers to the square yardage within the dumpster itself. Many residential customers choose to use 8 yard dumpsters that are 10 feet by 8 feet with a height of 3.5 feet. The dumpster will be removed from your property and emptied once you are done with it.